Thursday, December 8, 2011

final essay

Sorry I haven't posted sooner about my topic.

As someone who is pretty novice about technology and why it is important to use it in our classrooms I have been exploring why it is important for me to learn about all these new technologies and how they benefit the student.  Also not only am I exploring the technology itself but what else students are learning by incorporating certain technologies into the classroom.  The reason I find this topic important for me is that the one and only class room I have been in the teacher used no technology because she didn't want to learn about technology and I can see how there was something missing in her class and I don't want that to be me since I too don't really know that much about technology.


  1. Can you restate this is as a question that the paper will try to answer?

    -- Erik Jacobson

  2. I guess what I am trying to figure out and explore is:

    What are the added benefits, or underlying benefits, to incorporating technology into the classroom? What do students gain other than just learning about the technology itself?

    When we met in your office we discussed how I see technology as black and white when there is actually a lot of grey involved and I am really trying to explore that grey area. As someone who doesn't know much about technology I wanted to really grasp why it is important for me to learn this technology so that I can include it in my classes.

    I hope this is what you wanted...
