Sunday, November 27, 2011

Final Conceptal Essay Idea

For the final concepual essay, Saira and I are going to continue the topic of bullying, but focus on how technology has made bullying and teasing more accessible and has seeped its way from the playground to homes after school hours.  The old adage, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” is obsolete in this media filled world.  Purposeful and repeated bullying behaviors occur behind screens, where the bully no longer has to see the immediate reaction of his/her victim.  Cyberbullying can take form through text messages, e-mails, and social networking sites.  If messages are sent through a form of technology, the words meant to hurt just one person can now be seen by the public. 

In addition to the increase of bullying through electronic communication, we want to research how technology has also changed the way peer interactions and relationships are formed.  It is a rare scene to see children running around the neighborhood with friends, instead many children are meeting friends by playing games online or through game consoles that require multiple players.  We want to see how these peer relationships differ and whether or not it affects students in their learning evironment. 
-Christine & Saira

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Conceptual Essay Summary-Tana

I have decided to write my final paper on the topic of collaboration and the difference between the type of voluntary collaboration that takes place outside the classroom as in the use of wikis versus school based collaborative projects.   No one tells individuals to participate in wikipedia revisions; they are voluntary.  Conversely, in-school projects are handled differently by teachers and thought of differently by students.  In my middle school classroom,  if I assign a group project, collaboration is often mandatory.   When given the option, some students will choose to work independently.  Even in our MEDI503 class, only a few people chose to work together on their final paper.
I would like to explore how to bring the type of voluntary collaboration one sees outside the classroom into the classroom.  What needs to be changed about the nature of the assignment or the parameters set around the assignment to make students voluntarily want to collaborate?  

Conceptual Essay Proposal: Writing with New Technologies - Paul

Conceptual Essay Proposal:  Writing with New Technologies:  Challenges of Keeping a Writing Standard, Using Revision, and Assessing and Using Rubrics
A  critical examination of  New Media Technologies and ways of  incorporating them into the writing course.  Included in the discussion will be the use of revision, adherence to specific writing standards (per institution or discipline), assessment of projects with the use of rubrics, and the many challenges teachers face when incorporating new media to new audiences.  While some students are technologically savvy, others need formal instruction.  This layer of responsibility falls partially on the instructor who decides to incorporate the technology into their class.  Another consideration is ways of reading and writing where a visual aspect is an integral element of a project.  The visual and audio components that are often integrated into new media influence the writing as well as the reading of the textual components.  A kind of hybrid making-meaning can occur and the balance of instructor as facilitator, participant, and evaluator needs to be weighed.  Finally, just because something is named “new” does not necessarily mean that it is different, so I’d like to look at some of the ways that new media is a repackaging of consistent standards as well as how the technology/media is redefining pedagogy.

Final Project Summary (revised)- Maureen

For my final project, I am going to focus on the legal issues surrounding fair use and copyright. I began by focusing on issues related to the use of music, since that seems to be the most controversial area. However, repurposing photographs and video clips is also included under the larger umbrella of discussions about fair use.

YouTube provides this warning to users before they upload content: “Do not upload any TV shows, music videos, music concerts or advertisements without permission, unless they consist entirely of content that you created yourself.” (Wikipedia) People believe they are creating videos that fall under the personal use domain and, from one perspective, that is true. However, Warner, a large music company, has a different perspective. They argue that Google, the parent company of YouTube, is making a profit from advertising on the site. This is just one example of the complex gray area regarding fair use. Considering the possible implications for education takes a different, and , to some, equally confusing direction.

There seems to be a culture of fear among educators about what fair use is. I think many teachers are afraid to use or publish work that contains copyrighted material because of a fear that they may be sued. However, there are some commn sense guidelines to follow when considering the issue. The legal ramifications surrounding use of music and other media are interesting and complex. I think there is a difference between remixing for personal or educational use and remixing for profit. The issue continues to be debated and will continue to change, I believe. The technological capabilities continue to evolve faster than laws and regulations can keep up with them. Ultimately, the difference between fair use and copyright infringement it is based laws and their interpretation in the courts.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Old Fashioned "Transmedia"

My sons are really into the video game Minecraft right now. In the game, you basically dig for different metals and gems, in order to build things (like houses, carts, statues, etc.). You need to find food and keep yourself safe from various dangers.  There is no winning per se, although you can die and have to start all over again.

This is what the environment looks like.

As you can see, the animation is very blocky. Everything is made up of squares. You can see the grass on top of earth formations, creating steppes or lattices.

For his birthday, he wanted a Minecraft cake - possibly a cake with a pick axe on it (the main tool in Minecraft). I asked him if he would prefer a Minecraft terrain cake, instead. He readily agreed. So this is what I baked.

With the blue, I was going for a pond effect. Nobody thought it was blue enough, so they decided that it was an area of exposed stone. This is not uncommon in Minecraft, so they took it in stride. I guess it does look a bit more stone-like than water-like.

My son made the Minecraft people out of Lego. 
Bad guy Creeper on the left, good guy Miner on the right.

This is an action shot, after it has been dug into.

The yellow frosting is supposed to be gold. I wanted two different kinds of cake to represent the different layers of sediment that you can get into in the game (and in real life). Carrot cake on top for soil, yellow cake below for a more rock-like layer.

Old-fashioned fun connected to the latest game craze.