Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Conceptual Essay Proposal: Writing with New Technologies - Paul

Conceptual Essay Proposal:  Writing with New Technologies:  Challenges of Keeping a Writing Standard, Using Revision, and Assessing and Using Rubrics
A  critical examination of  New Media Technologies and ways of  incorporating them into the writing course.  Included in the discussion will be the use of revision, adherence to specific writing standards (per institution or discipline), assessment of projects with the use of rubrics, and the many challenges teachers face when incorporating new media to new audiences.  While some students are technologically savvy, others need formal instruction.  This layer of responsibility falls partially on the instructor who decides to incorporate the technology into their class.  Another consideration is ways of reading and writing where a visual aspect is an integral element of a project.  The visual and audio components that are often integrated into new media influence the writing as well as the reading of the textual components.  A kind of hybrid making-meaning can occur and the balance of instructor as facilitator, participant, and evaluator needs to be weighed.  Finally, just because something is named “new” does not necessarily mean that it is different, so I’d like to look at some of the ways that new media is a repackaging of consistent standards as well as how the technology/media is redefining pedagogy.


  1. This a lot, and you'll probably find that you need to narrow it down a bit as you go along. It seems like expectations around the technical aspects of writing or creating with new media is different than (though related) the crafting of the content. How well current rubrics can capture the complex ways that multimedia content creates meaning is yet another question you are posing. As you start to explore this, try and see which topic grabs you the most.

    - Erik Jacobson

  2. This sounds interesting. I would like to see how you are going to incorporate new media technologies into writing. I look foward to seeing the activities you come up with. Daisy
