Saturday, November 19, 2011

Old Fashioned "Transmedia"

My sons are really into the video game Minecraft right now. In the game, you basically dig for different metals and gems, in order to build things (like houses, carts, statues, etc.). You need to find food and keep yourself safe from various dangers.  There is no winning per se, although you can die and have to start all over again.

This is what the environment looks like.

As you can see, the animation is very blocky. Everything is made up of squares. You can see the grass on top of earth formations, creating steppes or lattices.

For his birthday, he wanted a Minecraft cake - possibly a cake with a pick axe on it (the main tool in Minecraft). I asked him if he would prefer a Minecraft terrain cake, instead. He readily agreed. So this is what I baked.

With the blue, I was going for a pond effect. Nobody thought it was blue enough, so they decided that it was an area of exposed stone. This is not uncommon in Minecraft, so they took it in stride. I guess it does look a bit more stone-like than water-like.

My son made the Minecraft people out of Lego. 
Bad guy Creeper on the left, good guy Miner on the right.

This is an action shot, after it has been dug into.

The yellow frosting is supposed to be gold. I wanted two different kinds of cake to represent the different layers of sediment that you can get into in the game (and in real life). Carrot cake on top for soil, yellow cake below for a more rock-like layer.

Old-fashioned fun connected to the latest game craze.

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