Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Final Project Summary (revised)- Maureen

For my final project, I am going to focus on the legal issues surrounding fair use and copyright. I began by focusing on issues related to the use of music, since that seems to be the most controversial area. However, repurposing photographs and video clips is also included under the larger umbrella of discussions about fair use.

YouTube provides this warning to users before they upload content: “Do not upload any TV shows, music videos, music concerts or advertisements without permission, unless they consist entirely of content that you created yourself.” (Wikipedia) People believe they are creating videos that fall under the personal use domain and, from one perspective, that is true. However, Warner, a large music company, has a different perspective. They argue that Google, the parent company of YouTube, is making a profit from advertising on the site. This is just one example of the complex gray area regarding fair use. Considering the possible implications for education takes a different, and , to some, equally confusing direction.

There seems to be a culture of fear among educators about what fair use is. I think many teachers are afraid to use or publish work that contains copyrighted material because of a fear that they may be sued. However, there are some commn sense guidelines to follow when considering the issue. The legal ramifications surrounding use of music and other media are interesting and complex. I think there is a difference between remixing for personal or educational use and remixing for profit. The issue continues to be debated and will continue to change, I believe. The technological capabilities continue to evolve faster than laws and regulations can keep up with them. Ultimately, the difference between fair use and copyright infringement it is based laws and their interpretation in the courts.


  1. You have two very key issues here. One is what it means to try and control meaning or interpretation. The other is how context may shape people's understanding of fair use. They're related, but I think they are separate issues, and I don't think you can take on both fully in the same essay (though you will probably allude to many issues). As you start to think more about this, see if you can decide which one of these two is more interesting to you. Or it you want to rephrase what it is you're looking in a different way.

    - Erik Jacobson

  2. I think this is a very interesting topic. In terms of the show, Glee, I've heard that artists turn down the request to use their songs, but after the popularity of the show, the artists have changed their mind. One thing that I find interesting is that the younger generation of viewers recognize the songs on the show the way Glee sings it, but not the original artist. I wonder how it makes them feel?

  3. This is very interesting. I would like to know more about this topic. When we had to do the globetrotting project i had issues finding pictures that were accessible. I would like to find out more about copyrighted materials. I look foward to seeing your presentation. Daisy
